
Player Information

Player Profile
Member of Clan:None
Location:Belgrade, Serbia
Player ID:27,662
Unique ID:STEAM_0:1:554523402
Steam Community:76561199069312533
Real Name:Not Specified
Email Address:Not Specified
Homepage:Not Specified
Last Connect:2 hours ago (Total: 414 Connects)
Connection Time:10 days 00:21:16 hours
Average Ping:Unknown
Favorite Weapon:AK47Kalashnikov AK-47
* marked values from last two weeks

Player Aliases

Name Time Last Use Rounds Win Ratio Kills Deaths Kpd Hpk Acc
Dzony vs Frageri 9d 22:50h Sep 8, 2024 4:51:42 pm 12,364 43% 10,183 8,964 1.14 18% 26%
mrnjAuuu | Ih! 0d 00:57h Jun 8, 2024 1:54:07 am 51 51% 38 40 0.95 0% 0%
BRAIN DAMAGE | Dzony 0d 00:37h Jun 20, 2024 4:41:18 pm 29 24% 19 20 0.95 37% 28%

Team/Role Selection and Player Actions

Team Time Joined Percentage Kpd
Terrorist 6d 03:29h 862 times 54% 1.15
Counter-Terrorist 3d 20:38h 715 times 45% 1.11
Spectator 0d 00:47h 17 times 1% -
Action Achieved Skill Bonus
All Counter-Terrorists eliminated 2,772 times 5,544
Headshot 1,928 times 1,928
All Terrorists eliminated 1,556 times 3,112
Double Kill (2 kills) 1,463 times 1,463
Triple Kill (3 kills) 719 times 1,438
Terrorists bombed the target 677 times 3,385
Spawn with the Bomb 562 times 1,124
Drop the Bomb 496 times -992
Counter-Terrorists defused the bomb 330 times 1,650
Domination (4 kills) 307 times 921
Pick up the Bomb 209 times 418
Plant the Bomb 137 times 1,370
Rampage (5 kills) 136 times 544
Mega Kill (6 kills) 52 times 260
Defuse the Bomb 24 times 240
Start Defusing the Bomb With a Defuse Kit 23 times 0
Start Defusing the Bomb Without a Defuse Kit 16 times 0
Ownage (7 kills) 12 times 72
Ultra Kill (8 kills) 5 times 35
Killing Spree (9 kills) 2 times 16
Monster Kill (10 kills) 1 times 9

Map Performance

Map Time Kills Kills % Deaths Kpd Hs Headshots % Hpk
de_mirage 0d 21:54h 1,092 11% 827 1.32 179 10% 16%
de_inferno 0d 17:32h 718 7% 610 1.18 165 9% 23%
de_dust4ever 0d 17:16h 861 8% 668 1.29 174 9% 20%
de_clan1_mill_32 0d 14:06h 629 6% 502 1.25 86 5% 14%
de_dust2 0d 10:00h 385 4% 364 1.06 55 3% 14%
css_overpass 0d 09:55h 438 4% 386 1.13 73 4% 17%
de_barcelona 0d 09:39h 330 3% 344 0.96 64 3% 19%
de_chateau 0d 08:59h 410 4% 366 1.12 96 5% 23%
de_train 0d 08:50h 295 3% 334 0.88 56 3% 19%
de_cbble 0d 08:02h 278 3% 239 1.16 53 3% 19%
de_dust 0d 07:50h 371 4% 272 1.36 58 3% 16%
de_kgb_map 0d 06:50h 347 3% 309 1.12 53 3% 15%
de_bretonia 0d 06:23h 308 3% 247 1.25 65 4% 21%
de_nuke 0d 06:01h 221 2% 204 1.08 27 1% 12%
de_avangard 0d 05:02h 219 2% 186 1.18 52 3% 24%
de_abaddon 0d 04:53h 220 2% 205 1.07 40 2% 18%
de_piranesi 0d 04:01h 190 2% 154 1.23 38 2% 20%
de_fact 0d 03:54h 211 2% 143 1.48 29 2% 14%
de_cbbl2 0d 03:46h 130 1% 133 0.98 11 1% 8%
de_berzerker 0d 03:17h 147 1% 140 1.05 40 2% 27%
de_aztec_0 0d 03:16h 124 1% 104 1.19 11 1% 9%
de_dust2002 0d 03:16h 163 2% 109 1.50 30 2% 18%
de_dust_kry 0d 03:01h 171 2% 105 1.63 33 2% 19%
de_korfez32 0d 02:39h 124 1% 100 1.24 17 1% 14%
de_agrena 0d 02:39h 99 1% 111 0.89 28 2% 28%
de_sunny 0d 02:30h 90 1% 101 0.89 21 1% 23%
de_entra 0d 02:20h 85 1% 81 1.05 4 0% 5%
de_plaka 0d 02:17h 92 1% 94 0.98 17 1% 18%
de_verso 0d 02:15h 83 1% 93 0.89 5 0% 6%
css_cache 0d 02:14h 95 1% 86 1.10 9 0% 9%
de_irak 0d 02:05h 51 1% 73 0.70 9 0% 18%
de_amr 0d 02:05h 72 1% 91 0.79 17 1% 24%
de_pglzone 0d 01:59h 70 1% 83 0.84 5 0% 7%
de_hell 0d 01:58h 79 1% 78 1.01 19 1% 24%
de_online 0d 01:53h 54 1% 72 0.75 10 1% 19%
de_santorini 0d 01:42h 66 1% 70 0.94 11 1% 17%
de_tuscan09 0d 01:35h 59 1% 66 0.89 11 1% 19%
de_westwood 0d 01:22h 49 0% 57 0.86 8 0% 16%
css_nuke2 0d 01:18h 49 0% 48 1.02 4 0% 8%
de_polo 0d 01:15h 41 0% 59 0.69 7 0% 17%
de_airstrip 0d 01:01h 20 0% 34 0.59 - 0% 0%
de_lite32 0d 00:54h 42 0% 32 1.31 14 1% 33%
de_warfare2 0d 00:53h 26 0% 38 0.68 4 0% 15%
de_italy 0d 00:53h 41 0% 35 1.17 8 0% 20%
de_alexandra 0d 00:52h 62 1% 44 1.41 13 1% 21%
de_scud 0d 00:51h 37 0% 28 1.32 7 0% 19%
de_dust_castle 0d 00:50h 44 0% 32 1.38 11 1% 25%
de_azara_final 0d 00:50h 25 0% 35 0.71 2 0% 8%
de_nuke_rarea 0d 00:47h 45 0% 29 1.55 9 0% 20%
de_russka32 0d 00:47h 26 0% 30 0.87 9 0% 35%

Weapon Usage

Weapon Name Modifier Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Hs Hs % Hpk
AK47 Kalashnikov AK-47 1.00 4,837 47% 2,473 27% 913 50% 19%
M4A1 Colt M4A1 Carbine 1.00 1,726 17% 2,292 25% 295 16% 17%
AWP Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police) 1.00 870 9% 538 6% 35 2% 4%
USP H&K USP .45 Tactical 1.40 624 6% 623 7% 153 8% 25%
DEAGLE Desert Eagle .50AE 1.20 498 5% 778 9% 64 3% 13%
GLOCK18 Glock 18 Select Fire 1.40 373 4% 167 2% 99 5% 27%
GRENADE High Explosive Grenade 1.80 312 3% 303 3% 12 1% 4%
MAC10 Ingram MAC-10 1.50 311 3% 7 0% 117 6% 38%
TMP Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol 1.50 220 2% 15 0% 79 4% 36%
ELITE Dual Beretta 96G Elite 1.40 119 1% - 0% 20 1% 17%
FAMAS Fusil Automatique 1.00 113 1% 1,073 12% 23 1% 20%
KNIFE Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife 2.00 90 1% 40 0% 6 0% 7%
FIVESEVEN FN Five-Seven 1.50 41 0% 2 0% 2 0% 5%
MP5NAVY H&K MP5-Navy 1.20 33 0% 317 4% 9 0% 27%
GALIL Galil 1.10 27 0% 201 2% 2 0% 7%
SCOUT Steyr Scout 1.10 21 0% 22 0% 6 0% 29%
XM1014 Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014 1.10 15 0% 19 0% - 0% 0%
AUG Steyr Aug 1.00 2 0% 11 0% 1 0% 50%
P228 Sig Sauer P-228 1.50 1 0% 1 0% 1 0% 100%

Weapon Targets

alt : Hitbox
Show Total Target Statistics
Weapon Hits Left Middle Right
AK47 9,136 35.0 42.5 22.5
M4A1 4,026 35.8 41.6 22.6
USP 1,300 35.4 42.0 22.6
GLOCK18 1,043 33.7 41.8 24.4
TMP 914 30.2 51.9 17.9
MAC10 880 29.8 50.3 19.9
DEAGLE 811 39.2 40.1 20.7
AWP 479 41.8 38.4 19.8
FAMAS 298 44.3 38.3 17.4
ELITE 192 33.9 45.3 20.8
MP5NAVY 175 38.9 42.9 18.3
GALIL 46 47.8 30.4 21.7
KNIFE 34 26.5 47.1 26.5
SCOUT 27 51.9 40.7 7.4
FIVESEVEN 23 34.8 56.5 8.7
XM1014 15 60.0 33.3 6.7
P228 5 40.0 40.0 20.0
AUG 1 0.0 100.0 0.0


Weapon Shots Hits Damage Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk Accuracy Dph Spk
AK47 41,739 9,136 349,804 4,837 2,473 1.96 913 19% 22% 38.30 8.60
M4A1 22,102 4,026 117,174 1,726 2,292 0.75 295 17% 18% 29.10 12.80
AWP 1,215 479 60,508 870 538 1.62 35 4% 39% 126.30 1.40
USP 4,346 1,300 39,005 624 623 1.00 153 25% 30% 30.00 7.00
DEAGLE 2,620 811 36,753 498 778 0.64 64 13% 31% 45.30 5.30
GLOCK18 3,636 1,043 25,364 373 167 2.23 99 27% 29% 24.30 9.70
GRENADE 3,609 4,223 110,183 312 303 1.03 12 4% 117% 26.10 11.60
MAC10 3,819 880 24,029 311 7 44.43 117 38% 23% 27.30 12.30
TMP 3,562 914 17,148 220 15 14.67 79 36% 26% 18.80 16.20
ELITE 590 192 5,919 119 0 119.00 20 17% 33% 30.80 5.00
FAMAS 1,787 298 8,269 113 1,073 0.11 23 20% 17% 27.70 15.80
KNIFE 497 78 7,344 90 40 2.25 6 7% 16% 94.20 5.50
FIVESEVEN 66 23 623 41 2 20.50 2 5% 35% 27.10 1.60
MP5NAVY 683 175 3,154 33 317 0.10 9 27% 26% 18.00 20.70
GALIL 340 46 1,271 27 201 0.13 2 7% 14% 27.60 12.60
SCOUT 74 27 2,809 21 22 0.95 6 29% 36% 104.00 3.50
XM1014 22 15 546 15 19 0.79 - 0% 68% 36.40 1.50
AUG 12 1 108 2 11 0.18 1 50% 8% 108.00 6.00
P228 13 5 134 1 1 1.00 1 100% 38% 26.80 13.00

Player Kill Statistics (5 or more kills, * marked values from last two weeks)

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